Archive for the ‘Charity’ Category

Better than Google, Earn $1 per Search!!

January 26, 2007

That’s right you too can earn $1 for every search you perform on the internet! That is pretty cool…

I didn’t know about this until today and time is already almost up…. For the rest of the weekend go to launch to perform internet Searches and you will earn $1 for the Seattle Children’s Hospital with every search.

Thanks for pointing this out Tony!!

Blogathon 2006

July 28, 2006

Well now this looks like a really cheap trick for some really good causes…

Just to name a few
OOh, can’t forget the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)

This is actually pretty neat, they are going to blog every 30 minutes for 24 hours about all sorts of things. Yes that is 48 posts, in as little as 24 hours…. If they are like Dave Winer posts, I can see how easy this could become. Then again, they may be more like Guy’s posts, in which case it would be a long hard 24 hours.  To compare, my posts take me all day to write so I would do horribly at this.