Archive for the ‘Diving’ Category

Top Ten Reasons you should not Blog

August 14, 2006

10. It’s time consuming – Kind of like watching TV, it wastes valuable time. You could be creating real content, spending time with your kids, your wife (no, reading her blog does not count as spending time together), or enjoy spending time off the grid daily instead of between jobs…

9. The blogosphere is already overloaded – Yes that’s right, there are lots of good bloggers out there, in fact at this point my humble technorati ranking is at the bottom of the list along with thousands of others (yes past the 1m rank). So why would you start or continue blogging at this point? The content has already been covered by the press and at least five other bloggers, would your comments on their blogs be sufficient?

8. It’s not journalism – So don’t pretend it is…..

7. There are too many rules – Yes rules…. even though it’s the journalistic outlet of the new web 2.0 era where everything converges in an underfined mashup of entreprenureal creativity…… there are rules about how to be a good blogger, how to not piss off the best bloggers, how to be a corporate blogger, how to get good technorati rankings, how to get A-list bloggers to link to you, and how to write lists……. There are even books on the subject :)

6. You don’t want to become another victim – yes many bloggers get victimized and bullied by the community. It’s probably one of the saddest things I have seen when a group of bloggers who most likely were beat up in middle school throw their A-list blogs around at people’s opinions….. because they can (see number seven – don’t piss off the A-list bloggers is one of the important rules)

5. There are no good platforms – ?? what Live Writer, typepad, radio, wordpress, blogger, community server, blah, blah, blah…… yep they all suck to some degree…. I have started and killed about ten different blogs because I didn’t like something about the platform, uploading pictures sucks in wordpress…. btw, this is a good thing, it will help encourage improvements like this and this.

4. It’s not profitable – yeah everyone thinks they are going to write a great blog, be an A-list kind of blogger, put up some adds and get some revenue. Or maybe they’ll have some people refer to their blog as their resume and get the next big job or find the next great partner…. or maybe they’ll just rent their chest and clear $10k…… um, good luck the long tail theory doesn’t work here – you have to be an A-list blogger first…. Guy isn’t even in the top 20!!

3. Your blogosphere colleagues won’t explain their jokes – um yeah – Jeff Jarvis, Mike Arrington, Robert Scoble, and Dave Winer….. quite posting inside jokes – they are crowding up my rss reader and it’s annoying :P

2. Why write your own, you could just claim the number one blog and be done
1. There are better things to do with your life……

10. Learn how to Get Things Done

9. Learn how to Draw

8. Learn to make Wine
7. Go Fly A Kite

6. Go Surf (even if it’s cold)
5. Learn to Dive (even if it’s cold)

4. Go get in a boat (even if it’s cold)

3. Use all of your vacation….. and some of your sick time

2. Use the 1m lines of text in a book…. or a new OS…..

1. Start a videoblog :)

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