Archive for the ‘RealEstate’ Category

Seattle Lunch 2.0 @ Zillow

June 7, 2007

What!! We just had one of these last week sponsored by Wetpaint, Eyejot, & ZenZui!!

Yes, yes, I know there was a huge turn out, tons of networking, tons of things to learn, loads of great food, and loads of anxious seattle techies who didn’t get to attend……to remedy the situation….

Zillow will be hosting and sponsoring Lunch 2.0 at their posh offices in the Wells Fargo Center. Maybe you’ve perused the Scoble videos of the offices and smart people who are in the offices. Well now you’ve got a chance to see them in person, meet these people in person, and of course have a FREE lunch. I don’t think all Zillow users will attend the lunch….but there are sure to be some Zillow users….Zillow developers….and people who could use a cool Zillow widget on their site!!

If you want to go, you better hurry up and….


It’s already filling up….and it looks like Chris Pirillo will stream the lunch if you can’t get in

For live attendance, use the map to get there

999 Third Ave., Suite 4600, Seattle WA 98104

For virtual attendance, I’ll find out how to get there…


Of course if you can’t make this one (or it’s full) there are more Seattle Lunch 2.0s in the works!! In the meantime you could go to an evening startup networking event..

Home Search…Made Easy!!

May 11, 2007

This is really cool! John and Galen were talking about this feature yesterday that was added to…For a potential home buyer, this feature is a must!

In addition to ShackPrices extensive search results (including number of blocks from bus routes, number of blocks from parks, school information, and places to go). Galen and team added the capability to search for homes on particular bus routes!! That is huge….especially for us Seattlelites where bus routes are limited and not being near a particular bus route may mean another gridlock victim is born.

As an example….if you worked for a large software vendor in Redmond, and you wanted to live in North Seattle… may have a need to catch THE ONLY BUS to campus! Enter…


There you have it…every home for sale within a quarter mile of the 242 bus line. That is freakin cool! Way to go ShackPrices!!!