About Josh

Joshua Maher

Josh Maher focuses on building strong teams, relationships, products, and offerings. Currently he spends most of his time working for Denali Advanced Integration. His primary responsibility is building Denali’s Unified Communications consulting practice from the ground up.


In addition to his work with Denali, Josh is the founder of Seattle Lunch 2.0, sits on the board at a local non-profit, blogs at http://joshuamaher.com, and is a regular investor. Josh’s


Projects include a wide range of experience including: co-authoring the MS Press book “Microsoft® Exchange Server 2007 Administrator’s Companion”, launching of WaMu’s v1 mobile banking offering (http://www.wamu.com/mobile), building EMC’s Exchange TechBooks, shipping several revs of EMC Symmmetrix hardware and software, being an analyst at Ferris Research, speaking at various conferences, developing/delivering in-class training programs, and authoring various whitepapers, MS Learning products, articles, etc.


Josh spends his free time diving, surfing, boating, and raising his two boys with his
lovely wife Robin in Seattle Washington.

You can always reach Josh at josh.maher@gmail.com or on his cell 206.234.6327